Active Covid cases in Grey Bruce fell on Friday as the health unit confirmed three new positives, and 11 cases now considered resolved.
According to Public Health, two people from Southgate and a resident of South Bruce Peninsula tested positive.
The region’s active known case load is now down to 50, as resolved cases outpaced new infections. Two Grey Bruce residents are currently hospitalized.
Public Health says there are also four people from other health units transferred to local intensive care units in the area.
There are 169 active high-risk close contacts identified by Public Health.
Seven Grey Bruce residents have died from the virus over the course of the pandemic.
On vaccination progress in Grey Bruce: 86,531 doses have been administered to date.
The testing and case counts data released by the health unit on Friday is reflective of a 24-hour period prior to 11:59 p.m. Thursday.
More data on the local Covid situation from the Grey Bruce Health Unit is available here.