Bruce power has partnered with the Town of Saugeen Shores to ask residents to participate in its Emergency Preparedness Evacuation Study.
A release notes, Saugeen Shores residents who wish to take part in the study will be asked to fill out a short survey as part of Bruce Power’s ongoing emergency preparedness planning.
Bruce Power is also working with Kincardine and an independent third-party firm to analyze the evacuation times as part of its planning.
In keeping with the company’s operating licence with the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission (CNSC), Bruce Power is due to complete an updated Evacuation Time Estimate study as the last study was completed in 2016.
In the unlikely event of a nuclear emergency, the Evacuation Time Estimate looks at the time it would take for residents in the various planning zones around the facility to evacuate.
One member of each household is asked to participate in the five minute questionnaire available on the survey website.