Northern Bruce Peninsula is rehiring birds of prey to deter geese from the Lion’s Head Beach and harbour areas this summer.
Council approved bringing back Imperial Falconry Services Inc. during its meeting on March 24 for $40,000 to remove pesky birds from public areas and hire Integrated Goose Management Services for $14,000 to relocate the geese.
This comes after the municipality hired Imperial Falconry Services to manage the geese population within the harbour and waterfront areas in Lion’s Head in October last year.
Council reviewed the results of the service earlier this month which shows Imperial Falconry Services was able to successfully demonstrate the efficacy of their approach to deterring both geese and gulls by using a combination of perched and flying birds between Oct. 30 and Dec. 11.
Staff discussed with both Imperial Falconry Services and Integrated Goose Management Services about a management plan and costs for deter and relocate pesky birds from public areas.
A report from parks and Facilities Manager Mark Coleman says, “staff recommend employing both the falconry and relocation services for 2025 within the approved budget to maximize the success of deterring Canada geese from taking up residence within Lion’s Head harbour and waterfront areas.”
Staff have submitted applications to the Canadian Wildlife Services for migratory bird control permits to use the falconry services, as well as nest and egg removal and relocation services.
The Falcons are expected to take to the skies between April and August, while nest and egg removal would be conducted in April. The relocation of geese would be done within the first two weeks of June.