The Province has released an ethical framework outlining how they are making decisions during the Covid-19 vaccination rollout.
Equity, Fairness, Public Trust, Minimizing Harm and Maximising Benefits all top the lists of concerns.
Dr. Maxwell Smith, a bioethicist with the Vaccine Distribution Task Force, says the framework is necessary so everyone understands how decisions are being reached.
“And so by making this ethical framework public at this point – it’s still December of 2020 – we are putting the principle of transparency into action by explaining the key values and considerations that will guide vaccine distribution decisions,” he said,
“This ethical framework is a clear demonstration of our commitment to Ontarians to be transparent,” says General Rick Hillier (retired), Chair of the COVID-19 Vaccine Distribution Task Force. “We know that people are eager to get vaccinated and this framework helps ensure that we do it in an ethical, effective and compassionate way.”
Phase One of Ontario’s three-phase vaccine implementation plan began on December 15th at two hospital sites, and increased to 17 additional sites the following week, with the delivery of 90,000 Pfizer-BioNTech doses. With Health Canada’s recent approval of Moderna’s COVID-19 vaccine, the province can expect about 50,000 additional doses before the end of the month.
“One of the most important aims of the COVID-19 Vaccine Distribution Task Force since its beginning has been to ensure that the most promising vaccines are distributed to Ontarians safely, fairly and as quickly as possible,” says Dr. Huyer. “Our Ethical Framework will support the prioritization of vaccines in a way that enhances confidence and trust in Ontario’s COVID-19 immunization program.”
More about the Ethical Framework’s principles used to guide Covid-19 vaccine distribution:
- Minimize harms and maximize benefits, to reduce overall illness and death related to COVID-19, protect those at greatest risk of serious illness and death due to biological, social, geographical and occupational factors, protect critical infrastructure, and promote social and economic well-being;
- Equity in the distribution of vaccines without bias or discrimination, to reduce disparities in illness and death related to COVID-19, and ensuring benefits for groups experiencing greater burdens from the COVID-19 pandemic;
- Fairness, to ensure that every individual within equally prioritized groups has the same opportunity to be vaccinated, and to ensure inclusive, consistent processes that are tailored to unique needs of Ontario’s many and varied communities when making decisions about vaccine prioritization;
- Transparency, to ensure the principles and rationale, decision-making processes and plans for COVID-19 prioritization is clear, understandable and communicated to the public;
- Legitimacy, making decisions based on the best available scientific evidence, shared values and input from affected parties including those historically underrepresented, to ensure decisions have the intended impact, and to include the participation of affected parties in the creation and review of decisions and decision-making processes; and
- Public trust, to ensure decisions and decision-making processes are informed by these principles to advance confidence and trust in Ontario’s COVID-19 immunization program.
The Province is working to ensure that diverse perspectives are captured in their feedback and recommendations, so all Ontarians who want to get vaccinated are accounted for.
Our government has released an Ethical Framework for #COVID19 vaccine distribution to guide further vaccine prioritization and distribution across the province. This framework was developed in partnership with the COVID-19 Vaccine Distribution Task Force.
— Christine Elliott (@celliottability) December 30, 2020